What the shape of your feet has to say about you


The feet, just like the hands, can reveal a lot about our personality and this is detected through the shape they have. Creative, impulsive, dreamy, are some of the characteristics that you can learn about yourself through your feet.

To know it in detail, there are three main categories of feet according to their shape and their toes, which will help us understand our most personal traits.

The shape of the feet reveals the personality

  • Greek foot. This type of feet presents the second finger, the index, larger than the thumb, and progressively the rest of the fingers are smaller. Regarding personality, people with Greek feet are very creative, sporty and active. They love to think of new ideas and serve to motivate the people around them. They are also usually very impulsive and this leads them to suffer from stress.
  • Square foot. These feet have the thumb, index and middle fingers of the same size, while the other two are slightly smaller. People with this type of feet are very analytical and always think about everything before making a decision. Their decisions have very solid foundations and they always avoid impulses. If you have square feet, chances are you’re always surrounded by people who need your help and advice.
  • Egyptian foot. Feet of this type have all the toes close together until they reach the thumb. They are people who appreciate their intimate and private life and, therefore, tend to have hidden secrets and stay away from reality. Other of their characteristics is that they are dreamy, rebellious, impulsive people and with frequent changes in their mood.


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