Foot spa for beautiful feet


Forgetting our feet throughout the winter is still one of those deadly sins that we cannot avoid. But what we can do is solve it as soon as possible and get beautiful, rested and cared for feet. We know how to make a Spa in our own home for more beautiful feet.

How to make a foot spa at home?

With the arrival of spring we begin to regret having been forgotten at our feet throughout the winter. We will not get more beautiful feet just by complaining, so it is better to get down to work and pamper them with a homemade foot Spa.

  • The foot bath is the essential prior gesture when we talk about foot care. We can turn this bath into a most pleasant experience for our feet if we add a few drops of orange blossom oil and a few rose petals to the water.
  • It is essential to gently pass the pumice stone over the entire foot to remove hardness, paying special attention to the heel area. Then we can exfoliate the feet with a homemade exfoliant based on sugar, honey and lemon juice for greater softness.
  • We cannot forget about moisturizing the feet, a gesture that should be done daily to avoid dry and cracked feet. Shea butter is one of the best products to get movie feet.
  • We can give ourselves a pedicure with a trendy or more classic nail design. The most important thing is to learn to cut our toenails in a straight line to prevent them from growing into the skin.
  • We can finish the home Spa with a good foot massage that will leave your feet relaxed and reduce foot fatigue if we do it with lavender oil. If what we want is to bring extra freshness to the feet, we will do the massage with mint oil.


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