Reasons for feet to swell


The feet are one of the most important areas of the human body, because in addition to allowing us to move and having great beauty in this part of the body, it also provides health to our body. If the feet are fine, you will be fine too. But not everything is always so beautiful and they can swell. Swollen feet is more common than you can imagine and on many occasions it is not a cause for concern because it can go away on its own. But if the swelling of the feet is accompanied by other symptoms, they can provide information about health problems. But what are the most common reasons for swollen feet?

Reasons for swollen feet

  • The pregnancy. In some complications during pregnancy, the woman’s feet can swell more than normal. If it is an excessive or too sudden swelling, it can be a sign of preeclampsia that must be treated immediately since it is a serious condition of high blood pressure and protein in the urine. It can occur after the middle of the pregnancy. If the swelling is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, headaches, nausea or vomiting, vision changes, or any other abnormal symptoms you notice, see your doctor immediately.
  • Foot injuries. If you have hit your foot, it can also be a reason for foot swelling. Rest and rest will be necessary so that the injured foot does not worsen. It is also an idea to go to your doctor to put on a compression bandage, then you will have to have your foot elevated.
  • An infection. Sometimes swelling in the feet can be a sign of infection, especially in people with diabetic neuropathy or other nerve problems in the feet. If you have diabetes you will have to inspect your feet in the daily routines to check that you do not have blisters or sores. If you notice your foot is swollen or that you have blisters that seem infected, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Heart, liver or kidney problems. Sometimes the feet swell to indicate a problem with the heart, liver or kidney disease. If they swell during the night, it could be a sign of salt and fluid retention that could cause heart failure. Kidney disease can also cause swollen feet because the kidneys are not working properly and fluid builds up in the body. Liver disease can affect the liver’s production of a protein called albumin, which keeps blood from leaking from blood vessels into surrounding tissues. When this goes wrong, fluid can accumulate in the feet–but also in ankles, abdomen and chest-. With other symptoms such as tiredness or fatigue, you should see a doctor immediately.


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