Deodorant powder for foot odor


One of the most common foot problems is bad smell. The bad smell not only prevents you from looking beautiful feet but can also cause other problems such as fungus on the feet or the appearance of wounds due to excess sweat and humidity. We have found a homemade recipe to make deodorant powder for foot odor.

How to combat foot odor with talc?

  • There are many people who suffer from excessive sweating on their feet and feel self-conscious about the bad smell. But there are some home remedies to combat both sweat and bad odor, and deodorant powder is one of the most popular and effective. Although we can buy talc in any store and spray it on our feet every day, we can also make a more effective deodorant talc ourselves.
  • The homemade recipe for this talc that reduces foot sweating is simple. All you need is a cup of talcum powder, some mint leaves and a few sprigs of lavender. The plants are crushed well and mixed with the powders. Then you have to spray the feet after the shower with this mixture and you get a whole day without sweat and without bad smell in the feet.
  • Although to avoid annoying foot sweat problems such as fungus or that feeling of always having cold feet, deodorant powder is not enough. It is also a good idea to change your socks several times a day and use shoes made of natural materials. Because we are not only talking about the discomfort of bad-smelling feet, but when sweating is excessive, the health of our feet is also at stake.


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