Summer foot problems

Normally the feet are locked up during all the cold months, but when the heat begins to arrive and the good weather is as...

What to do with wide feet: how to create the effect of thinner feet

Foot problems are not only reduced to a lack of care. Genetics sometimes prevent us from showing off beautiful feet because they are too wide or too...

Why do I have green feet?

If you have ever had a green foot or have been told about people who have it and you have not been able to...

Foot fungus: home remedies to get rid of them

The fungus can appear on the soles of the feet, between the fingers and also on the nails. Although it is not serious, it causes...

Five problems that affect your feet in summer

When summer arrives and the good temperatures, it is possible that the first thing you think about is taking off those annoying closed shoes and enjoying...

5 things you need to know before using a pumice stone for your feet

The pumice stone is a perfect tool to remove dead skin and eradicate calluses and calluses found on the feet. For these benefits it is widely used...

What causes sweaty feet

We worry a lot when some of the foot problems appear, but in reality it is more effective to know the causes of the...

Cold feet: causes and solutions

People who constantly suffer from cold feet can be a symptom of a serious underlying disease such as anemia, circulatory disorders or a hormonal problem. If you have...

Tailor’s Bunions: how to prevent them on the feet

If the diagnosis is made from pre-adolescence, the development of the tailors bunion can be slower and in some cases it can even stop...

Why fungus appear on the feet

One of the most common foot problems is fungal infection, which can occur on both feet and nails. Eliminating fungus as soon as possible is...