Sudden foot pain: why do they hurt suddenly

It is possible that you have a healthy life and that you take care of yourself the best you know how to avoid pain and have...

Tailor’s Bunions: how to prevent them on the feet

If the diagnosis is made from pre-adolescence, the development of the tailors bunion can be slower and in some cases it can even stop...

Foot injuries from shoes: goodbye pain

Surely at some time in your life you have worn new shoes excited because they are beautiful but shortly after having them on you decided to...

5 foot problems that appear with winter

In the summer we usually pay a lot of attention to our feet, because at that time we wear them through sandals and we...

Reasons for feet to swell

The feet are one of the most important areas of the human body, because in addition to allowing us to move and having great beauty in...

What to do when feet swell from the cold

When it is very cold, the feet can swell because fluid accumulates in the tissues and muscles. In healthy people, foot swelling can occur from...

Foot diseases that you have to know about

Sometimes the feet can suffer from some diseases that can cause the health of your foot to be seriously impaired. In order to solve...

Ingrown toenail: the dangers of wearing high heels for our feet

How much are you capable of suffering in your feet for putting on a high heel from a chic brand? Whatever it takes while maintaining the glamour! But everything has...

Why do I have green feet?

If you have ever had a green foot or have been told about people who have it and you have not been able to...

My feet are very dry: there is hope!

It doesn't matter if it's cold or if it's summer, you can have cracked feet all year round, although in winter things may get worse. Dry feet...