Summer foot problems


Normally the feet are locked up during all the cold months, but when the heat begins to arrive and the good weather is as if it were a liberation to be able to leave the feet in the open air. But you have to be more careful than necessary to avoid summer foot problems, as these can be very annoying.

Summer problems that can occur in the feet

  • Ingrown toenails. To avoid ingrown toenails, you will have to trim your nails straight, but not too short, nor trim them to the sides. If you don’t know how to do it, ask a professional for help.
  • Fungus in the nails or feet. In summer, by going too much to the pools or by the humidity of these places, fungus can appear on the feet and nails. Both will need medical treatment, but in the case of nail fungus they take a long time to go away, so much so that it seems they never go away (with proper treatment it can take a minimum of 6 months).
  • Sweaty feet. To prevent your feet from sweating too much and your feet smelling as a result, you will have to wear open shoes or sandals, in this way you will have your feet ventilated and they will not sweat as much. Also, if you must wear closed shoes, you will have to change the sock every day and use cotton socks to keep your feet drier and less sweaty.
  • Pain in the heels. If you wear flip flops all summer, you will end up with heel pain and back pain. Do not be tempted to wear them all summer and combine with other types of footwear.
  • Hard skins. Hard skins in summer are normal for them to come out, especially in summer since more open shoes are worn than in winter. That is why you will have to remove it with a file or pumice stone for the feet and then apply a moisturizing cream.
  • Foot blisters are also quite common, especially when wearing sandals or chafing shoes. The blisters are really annoying, but you will have to wait for them to dry on their own to avoid infection or further discomfort.


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