Cracks in the feet: home remedies to combat them


One of the most common foot problems, especially in the summer, are cracks and dry heels. The cracks in the feet appear with a lack of care and hydration in this part of the body. It is a problem that in the summer is accentuated by the use of open shoes and the tendency to walk barefoot at this time, something that causes our heels to dry out and then crack when walking due to the weight of our body.

In most cases, it is more of an aesthetic problem than a health one, although on some occasions, this condition can indicate other types of more serious problems such as zinc and omega-3 acid deficiency. In addition, in some cases, cracks in the feet can penetrate a little more than the superficial layers of the skin and cause painful discomfort. For all these reasons, the daily care of our feet is very important, especially if they have a tendency to crack.

The pumice stone has always been the great ally to remove dead skin from the feet and combat cracks. In fact, soaking your feet in warm water for 15 minutes and scrubbing with a pumice stone afterwards has always worked. However, care must be taken not to mistreat the cracked areas and then hydrate the feet with specific creams or preparations.

Home recommendations to combat cracks in the feet

  • Of course, we are not going to recommend that you wear closed shoes in summer (which greatly prevents the appearance of cracks), but we do recommend that you maintain a daily routine on your feet. Complete exfoliation is necessary, as well as the use of moisturizing creams (avoid applying them between your fingers) and complete hydration (keep in mind that hot showers and baths dehydrate). And since we don’t want you to ruin yourself in the attempt, we are going to give you the best home remedies so that you can prepare a good scrub, a good mask or a good moisturizing cream at home to pamper your feet.
  • Baking soda scrub. If you exfoliate with water and bicarbonate on a regular basis, you will notice the improvement and eliminate dead cells.
  • Rice flour scrub. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of rice flour, add honey and apple cider. Now, immerse your feet in water for 20 minutes and then apply the mixture with circular massages.
  • Oatmeal scrub. Prepare a paste with powdered oats and jojoba oil, and apply it with circular massages. Let it act for 10 minutes and remove it.
  • Banana and avocado mask. With both ripe fruits, crush them to make a paste, apply it to the area and let it act for half an hour.
  • Paraffin. It is a treatment also used on the hands and is very effective in case the cracks are deep and painful. You have to be careful because the paraffin has to be hot so that it is soft, but not too hot so as not to burn yourself. The ideal is to mix it with coconut oil, heating it in a water bath and then letting it cool. Apply the mixture, put on some cotton socks and leave it on overnight.
  • Honey. Put a few tablespoons of honey in a bucket of warm water and put your feet in it for 10 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, massage them for a good penetration of the mixture.
  • Lemon and glycerin. It softens the skin and reduces dryness, although it may not be the best option if the cracks are deep, since the lemon could sting. Pour hot water, coarse salt, glycerin, lemon juice and rose water into a container. Now, soak your feet for 15-20 minutes, and then go over with the pumice stone and reapply the glycerin-lemon-rosewater mixture to the hardened skin. Finally, put on some cotton socks and let it act overnight (it can also be done with Vaseline and lemon juice).
  • Oils. Vegetable oils are the best and most natural source of hydration. For example, applying coconut, argan or olive oil to your heels and sleeping in cotton socks overnight will leave your heels perfectly hydrated and soft. Of course, you should continue the routine two or three times a week.


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